Monday, April 20, 2020

It's Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Volunteer Appreciation Week April 19-25
Our Stop 'N Shop volunteers make up the majority of our workforce who keep things running efficiently 7 days a week. For that, we are so very thankful to each and every one of them. We certainly couldn't do it without our faithful crew, and we are anxious to be able to work with them once again when things are safe to do so. Thank you Volunteers!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Our Great Community

Lyle Evans and several others prepare lunches for our seniors

The West Seattle Food Bank delivers food items to seniors

The West 5 in the Junction donates lunches for seniors on a weekly basis
While our shop is closed, and so many of us are living in isolation, behind the scenes in our great little community of West Seattle, there are many out there helping our Senior Center get neccessities out to seniors on a daily basis. We are so thankful for our community and the volunteers who have helped make this happen!

Food isn't the only thing our seniors need at this time, and many volunteers have stepped up to help make handwritten notes to add to the lunches so our seniors know we care.

We are anxious to get back to normalcy and enjoy our volunteers at the Stop 'N Shop once again and hopefully very soon, but until then we can appreciate this generous, hard working, helpful community, West Seattle!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Answer: "What Is It" 3/26/20

In answering the question to our latest “What Is It” post on March 26, we’d like to introduce you to the Weeden Manufacturing Company. Weeden Manufacturing opened its doors in New Bedford Massachusetts in 1883 where they made and sold toy steam trains until closing their doors in 1952. The interesting part we received as a donation is called a “candlestick” upright boiler steam engine.

Upright candlestick steam boiler engine donated to us.

Another type of steam boiler engine with flywheel mounted on side.

Original location of Weeden Mtg in New Bedford.

Weeden was also involved in the manufacturing of miniature cars, steamboats, and what is now highly coveted by collectors and very rare, mechanical banks like these:

If you'd like to read more about Weeden Manufacturing just click on their name and be redirected to lots more interesting facts and even early design drawings. You can also watch, and hear! a steam engine in working order here on You Tube. 

As always, a big thank you to our hard working volunteers for their diligent research and findings!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Window Mannequin Gets Married

Just before we had to close for this isolating Covid-19 virus, our reliably fashionable mannequin tied the knot! Her helpful bridesmaid "dolled" her up in this gorgeous champagne beaded gown complete with her price tag hanging front and center so all her wedding guests could see what a savvy shopper she was for going to the Stop 'N Shop!

Stop by and view her in the window before she sails the seas with her well dressed Groom. She'll be there until we're free to let her out the door. Stay safe everyone!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

What Is It?

Beautifully unique pieces like this one above, often find their way into our hands from donors before we can ask what it is, or get more information about it. This almost steampunk like gadget could be a valve of some kind? A vintage Swedish espresso maker? Who knows? Once it's safe to be up and running again after this Covid-19 isolation, we'll be researching it until we find it! Thanks to our volunteers who help run the Stop N Shop, we have the ability to bring you both unique and every day housewares, etc...while we have fun doing it!

The Stop 'N Shop of West Seattle greatly appreciates donations from our community

Below is a partial list of what we accept!

Antiques, Cars, Appliances in working order, Arts and Crafts items, Bedding, Current Books (no text books or older than 10 years), Magazines (within 4 months), Canning Jars, Canes, Walkers, Candles, Holiday Decor, Small Furniture only, Games, Hangers, Jewelry, Clothing, Unused Unworn Socks and Underwear, Linens and Towels, Luggage, Lamps, Kitchenware, Tools, Party Supply, Greeting Cards, Movies, Pictures and Paintings, Rugs, Unique Decor, Gently Used Shoes Bags and Belts, and of course cash!

Much more information available on our web-site: